The drawing on the bottom of this page is my favourite one. I call it the "Crazy 88", because I drew eight switches is in eight states for a total of sixty-four switches, then I traced over three switches in each column, for twenty four more iterations, making 88. Plus, Kill Bill was a kickass movie.
The drawing is interesting because it shows the sequencing of the machine, but it also shows that there's some inherent matrix at work in the machine. Each column has one switch that's currently on, one switch that just was on, and one switch that is about to be on. These are the switches that have a bolder outline on the drawing, with the switch that's on having the thickest outline.
The drawing is a temporal one, though, showing a progression in every column and every row. At any one time while the machine is operation, one of those states (column/row) is true, and you can easily predict what the next state is, and easily see what the last state was.
I will say this, though, that scan is completely terrible. I really like that drawing, and it didn't turn out well at all in the CadLab's scanner. I'm going to try and scan it again using some other method, though, because this one is atrocious.

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