Item number one is actually three in one! It's three clock radios, ranging from contemporary junk to stone age. The bottom clock radio is probably my best bet, since it only uses a nine volt power source, but the others might have some interesting gears and such to play with later.
The second item in my parade of oddity is a Fischer Price "CD Player". It runs on two double A batteries, plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ad nauseum when turned on, and when you try to eject the "CD" it sounds like pure death. This one will at the very least be filled with some cool gears and motors to play with.
The DJ Play Station is for the aspiring scratcher of the family. It plays four different beats at the touch of a button as well as four cheesy sound effects. The scratching functionality doesn't seem to work, but it does have two Piezo speakers and a volume control to mess around with.
This Polaroid camera was a bit of a heart-breaker, I have to say. I would have kept it for my greedy self if polaroid papers didn't cost so much money, but since they do, it's the vivisection table for this old camera. With an autofocus mechanism, as well as gears and other fun innards to shoot out polaroid pictures, this will certainly suffice. Plus, whoever heard of a size "J" battery?
This is probably the coolest of all of my finds at the Village of Value. This helicopter lights up, plays two sound effects (sirens and helicopter blades spinning), and records and plays a short sound clip. It's all kinds of fun, and it looks bad ass.
So, that's what I've got to rip apart, destroy, and otherwise play with on my first day of the Dedale Studio. Wish me luck...
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